
Neerja Devbhoomi Charitable Trust: Dedication and Support in Education

Introduction Neerja Devbhoomi Charitable Trust has been formed with the aim of providing support to the children of the society in the field of education. The trust ensures the development of children through various programs and initiatives. Recently, under a special program organized at Community Hall Maya Kund, school bags were distributed to 28 children. Significance of the Program Bag Distribution Ceremony The ceremony was conducted by Mr. Subhash Ji, in which school bags were provided to the children. This is a simple but important step, which encourages children’s education. School bags are not just a material object, but it is a symbol of their commitment towards education for children. Attendees Many important persons were present on the occasion, including co-founder Nupur Goyal Ji, Mr. Bhagwati Prasad Ji, Mrs. Anita Ji, and Mrs. Poonam Ji. All of them expressed their best wishes for the children and told them about the importance of education. Objective of Education Dedication to Children The main objective of Neerja Devbhoomi Charitable Trust is to help those children who are trying to move forward in the field of education. Education is not only a means of gaining knowledge, but it also plays an important role in shaping the future of children. The Trust believes that every child should get equal opportunity for education. Vocational Skill Development Along with education, the Trust is also focusing on teaching vocational skills to children. In this direction, sewing training program is being organized by Mrs. Shikha Pal ji. Through this program, children are not only learning new skills but are also getting motivated to become self-reliant. Community Participation Support of Local Community The contribution of the local community is extremely important in the activities of the Trust. When the society unites and participates in the development of children, it increases awareness towards education. The support of the society helps the children to move towards a better future. Need for support Financial and resource support is necessary in such programs. Neerja Devbhoomi Charitable Trust has always tried to involve local businessmen and other members of the society, so that maximum resources can be raised for the children. Impact of the program Impact on children The school bag distribution program has had a positive impact on the children. Such small efforts increase the morale of the children and encourage them to move towards their goals. When children get new bags for themselves, their confidence increases. Improvement in education Through this program, Neerja Devbhoomi Charitable Trust aims to not only provide material to the children but also give them an inspiration. When children are dedicated towards education, it brings a change in their personality and they are ready to make a positive contribution to the society. Conclusion The efforts made by Neerja Devbhoomi Charitable Trust are definitely playing a vital role in making the future of children bright. Such initiatives in the field of education are not only changing the lives of children but also increasing awareness in the society. Future Plans Going forward, the trust aims to provide educational opportunities to even more children and contribute to vocational skill development. This program shows that when we work together, we can bring positive change in society. Source of Inspiration Through such programs, Neerja Devbhoomi Charitable Trust has inspired not only children but the entire society. Hope that such efforts will continue in the future and more and more children will be able to get educational opportunities. The initiatives of this trust ensure that every child gets an opportunity to realize his or her dreams. This journey of Neerja Devbhoomi Charitable Trust is just a beginning; many more such steps need to be taken in the future.

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Neerja Devbhoomi Charitable Trust: A priceless effort to help the needy

Introduction THE AIM The aim of Neerja Devbhoomi Charitable Trust is to help the weaker sections of the society, especially the needy individuals. Through this trust, efforts are being made to improve various aspects of the society. Recently, the trust provided a wheelchair to an elderly woman, who was unable to move due to paralysis for some time. Condition of the elderly woman Health problems The elderly woman, whose name we are not mentioning here, recently suffered from paralysis. This condition hampered her daily activities and made her completely dependent. These types of health problems are not only physical, but also mental and emotional. Difficulties This elderly woman faced difficulty in moving around, which affected her lifestyle. In such a situation, some support was needed to improve her condition. In this type of situation, a wheelchair can make life easier and provide a sense of independence. Contribution of the Trust Distribution of Wheelchairs Keeping in mind the condition of this elderly lady, Neerja Devbhoomi Charitable Trust provided her with a wheelchair. This step will not only help her overcome her physical limitations but will also boost her self-esteem and confidence. By getting a wheelchair, she can now move around her house freely and participate in her daily activities. Aim of assistance The aim of the trust is to help any needy person in the society. Be it the elderly, children or any other person, the trust is always ready to help. It not only provides assistance but also gives motivation to those who are feeling weak due to some reason or the other. Impact on society Positive change Such steps play an important role in bringing positive change in the society. When a person receives help, it not only brings a change in their life but also has an impact on their family and the community. Community Awareness Through such programs, an awareness of helping the needy is generated in the society. People are motivated to help each other and a sense of togetherness grows in the society. Future Plans More Help Neerja Devbhoomi Charitable Trust aims to provide help to more needy individuals. For this, the trust has prepared several schemes, which include health-related assistance, education, and vocational training. Community Involvement The trust believes that every member of the society should play an active role in helping each other. Hence, the trust organizes various programs to promote community involvement. Conclusion The initiatives of Neerja Devbhoomi Charitable Trust have proved how important it is to help the needy in society. Providing a wheelchair to an elderly woman will not only improve her physical condition but will also have a positive impact on her mental health. An inspiration for the society Such acts become a source of inspiration in the society. When we unite and help the underprivileged, we are able to bring about a change in the society. This effort of Neerja Devbhoomi Charitable Trust is an example for everyone that how a small help can change someone’s life. Way forward Going forward, the trust plans to organize more such events and help other needy people in the society. This is just the beginning; we all have to work together so that no person in the society feels alone at the time of his/her need. Thus, Neerja Devbhoomi Charitable Trust has given a new direction, which will play an important role in the development of the society not only in the present but also in the future.

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Neerja Devbhoomi Charitable Trust: Wheelchair provided and support naveen

Introduction Neerja Devbhoomi Charitable Trust has recently provided a wheelchair to Naveen Kumar, a resident of Dehradun. Naveen Kumar, who is a spinal cord injury patient, has been carrying out most of his daily routine alone. This effort to reach him has been made by the Trust given his difficult circumstances. Background of Naveen Kumar Naveen Kumar, a resident of Dehradun, has been facing a serious health problem for the last several years. Five years ago, he suffered a spinal cord injury due to an accident during electrical work in a Bengaluru-based company. After this accident, Naveen’s lifestyle changed completely and he was forced to remain bedridden for life. This incident not only affected his physical health but also had a profound impact on his mental and emotional health. Trust’s Assistance First-time assistance Neerja Devbhoomi Charitable Trust provided a wheelchair to Naveen Kumar for the first time three years ago. Through this initiative, the Trust tried to provide some ease to Naveen’s lifestyle. But, considering the need for the Trust’s continued support, a wheelchair has been arranged for the second time to improve Naveen’s living conditions. Recent Assistance Recently, keeping in mind Naveen’s financial condition and health complications, the Trust has provided him with a new wheelchair. This assistance aims to provide some relief in Naveen’s life and increase his self-reliance. The Trust team thoroughly evaluated Naveen’s condition and arranged a suitable wheelchair according to his needs. The challenge of financial condition and loneliness Naveen Kumar’s financial condition is also a major challenge in his life. Due to his poor financial condition, he does not have the means to get proper care of medical care and necessary equipment. Despite this difficulty, Naveen’s courage and sense of self-reliance motivate him to struggle every day. Additionally, there is no family member or close person available to take care of Naveen. Despite this loneliness and lack of support, Naveen is trying his best to improve his condition. The assistance of the Trust is an important support for them which helps them to make their life a little easier. The objective of the Trust Neerja Devbhoomi Charitable Trust has always had an important objective: to help the needy and differently-abled persons. The members of the Trust are sensitive towards those sections of the society which need to be helped. This initiative taken by the Trust is an attempt to bring a positive change in the life of Naveen Kumar and encourages the spirit of equality and cooperation in society. The main objective of the efforts of the Trust is to help the needy persons in every section of the society and provide support in their difficult times. Under this, the Trust has helped persons like Naveen Kumar who are facing extraordinary circumstances and for whom the help of society is significant. Conclusion This Neerja Devbhoomi Charitable Trust is an important step for Dehradun resident Naveen Kumar. It is not just a matter of providing a wheelchair but also sets an example of sensitivity and cooperation towards society. Understanding the difficulties of Naveen Kumar, the trust has provided this important assistance to meet his needs. This kind of assistance will not only change Naveen Kumar’s life but will also send a positive message in society that we should always be ready to help needy people.

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Empowering women through Education: trust’s adult learning programs

Neerja Devbhoomi Charitable Trust has done a significant work in the field of education, in which education is being provided especially to adult women. The aim of this effort is to promote equality and equality of opportunities in the society. The main purpose of higher education, or adult education, is to educate people so that you can not get education in your youth. Neerja Devbhoomi Charitable Trust has taken a concrete step in this direction, so that proud women can also get the benefits of education. Under this work, the trust has organized various types of musical programs, including study studies, mathematics, language and general knowledge. These programs are being organized in both rural and urban areas, to ensure that no woman is left out of the benefits of education. A team of educational institutes has been appointed by the trust to train the proud women. These institutes are specially designed to train women through proud education. The trust has also done much work to remove the social and economic discrimination children face in women’s education. Financial assistance, class time facilities, and personal attention demands are provided so women can get an education easily. The trust believes that education is not only important for personal development, but also contributes to the progress of society. With this higher education program, women are not only getting the ability to read and write but their self-esteem and self-reliance are also increasing. Many women have brought positive changes in their lives by using their newly learned superstar and improved their economic condition. This effort of Neerja Devbhoomi Charitable Trust is an inspiring example of how the best students of the society can be promoted through education. This work of the trust has not only aroused the interest of women towards education, but has also played an important role in connecting them to the structure of society. Thus, the women taking adult education from Neerja Devbhoomi Charitable Trust are not only getting personal benefits but are also setting an example of new thinking and positive change in the society. These efforts make it clear that education is for everyone and it can improve the life of every person.

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Neerja Devbhumi Trust provides Wheelchair to Accident Victim Chandan Singh

An important and sensitive work has been taken by Neerja Devbhoomi Charitable Trust, which has brought a positive change in the lifestyle of a needy person. Chandan Singh, a resident of Gumaniwala Rishikesh, who met with a tragic accident, is now able to see a new ray of hope. Chandan Singh, who earlier used to earn his family’s livelihood by selling fast-food at the IDPL city gate, has now become the victim of a serious accident. This accident has paralyzed his entire body, completely affecting his physical abilities. Chandan’s father, who works as a laborer, is now facing additional financial pressure to take care of his son. In these difficult times, the financial condition of Chandan has become very pathetic. After the accident, Chandan’s life has completely changed. His family was already facing a financial crunch, and now Chandan’s condition has added to their problems. Chandan’s health condition and the increasing responsibilities of his care have become a heavy burden for his family. However, in this difficult situation, Neerja Devbhoomi Charitable Trust decided to come forward and help Chandan. The Trust somehow came to know that Chandan needed a wheelchair so that he could perform his daily activities to some extent autonomously and his lifestyle could be slightly improved. Seeing his dedication to social service, Neerja Devbhoomi Charitable Trust immediately arranged to provide a wheelchair to Chandan. This wheelchair will help restore Chandan’s physical independence, and will also solve some of the problems of his family. This step of Neerja Devbhoomi Charitable Trust is an inspiring example not only for Chandan Singh but for society as to how even a small help can make a big difference in someone’s life. This sensitivity and promptness of the Trust has provided support to Chandan’s family not only financially, but also mentally and emotionally. Thus, this work taken by Neerja Devbhoomi Charitable Trust has lit a new ray of hope in the life of Chandan Singh. This endeavor is not only important for Chandan and his family, but it also encourages the spirit of humanity and cooperation in society.

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Empowering lives: Neerja devbhoomi charitable trust

Neerja Devbhoomi Charitable Trust has recently carried out an important task to help 13-year-old Shlok Yadav. Shlok Yadav is a CP (Cerebral Paralysis) patient and facing so much difficulty, at this age this is a big challenge for his family. Shlok’s parents run a small tea shop, so their financial condition is not strong enough to raise enough resources for the medical treatment and care of their child. CP or sensory paralysis is a condition in which there is a defect in the muscles of certain parts of the body, causing children to have difficulty in physical activities. Shlok has been facing this situation since birth. This has greatly affected his daily life activities, and his family is facing many difficulties in dealing with this condition. Keeping Shlok’s condition in mind, Neerja Devbhoomi Charitable Trust has taken steps to help him. The Trust has recently provided Shlok with a wheelchair and calipers. The wheelchair will make it easier for Shlok to move, while the calipers will make his walking process even easier. These devices will help Shlok to easily complete his daily activities and improve his quality of life. Shlok’s parents, who run a small tea shop, did not have enough resources for such specialized therapy and assistive devices. Due to this his situation had become more difficult. This step of the Trust will not only improve Shlok’s physical condition but will also provide him mental strength. This assistance is not only for Shlok’s well-being but is also a source of relief for his family. This effort of Neerja Devbhoomi Charitable Trust is also a message of inspiration to those in the society who want to bring a change in the lives of others through kindness and help. The Trust has also made it clear that they are committed to providing further assistance keeping in mind Shlok’s future needs. Their initiative encourages the spirit of humanity and cooperation in society and shows that when we work together we can bring positive change in the lives of others. This support from the community has not only provided immediate relief to Shlok and his family but also gave them hope that they will not be left alone to face the challenges ahead. This work will not only impact Shlok’s life but will also be a source of inspiration for others on how individual and community support can together improve the quality of life of people.

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Education Provider

In the picturesque city of Rishikesh, the Neerja Devbhumi Charitable Trust has become a beacon of hope and education for the local community. Going beyond the traditional realms of charity, the trust is making a lasting impact by distributing books and school bags to various schools, running a free school for needy students, and empowering women through stitching classes. Promoting Education through Books and School Bags: Education is a powerful catalyst for positive change, and the Neerja Devbhumi Charitable Trust recognizes this truth. By distributing books and school bags to various schools in Rishikesh, the trust is not only ensuring that students have the necessary tools for learning but is also fostering an environment where education is valued and accessible to all. The Free School Initiative: At the heart of the trust’s educational endeavors lies the commitment to providing quality education to every child, regardless of their socio-economic background. The establishment of a free school in Rishikesh is a testament to this commitment, offering a nurturing environment for needy students who might otherwise face barriers to accessing education. Breaking Barriers: Stitching Classes for Women: The trust’s impact extends beyond the classroom as it recognizes the importance of empowering women in the community. By offering stitching classes, Neerja Devbhumi Charitable Trust is not only imparting valuable skills to women but also providing them with an opportunity to generate income and gain financial independence. A Holistic Approach to Community Development: Neerja Devbhumi Charitable Trust’s multifaceted approach to community development showcases its dedication to addressing the diverse needs of the population in Rishikesh. From supporting children’s education to empowering women through skill development, the trust is actively contributing to the overall well-being of the community. Community Collaboration and Volunteerism: The success of the trust’s initiatives is deeply rooted in community collaboration and the spirit of volunteerism. Local partnerships, involvement of passionate volunteers, and support from businesses play a pivotal role in expanding the reach of the programs and ensuring their sustained impact. Impactful Stories of Transformation: The stories emerging from the trust’s initiatives are heartening tales of transformation. Whether it’s a child excelling in academics, a woman gaining confidence through stitching classes, or the overall positive shift within the community, Neerja Devbhumi Charitable Trust is leaving an indelible mark on the lives of those it serves. Looking Ahead: As the trust continues its mission in Rishikesh, the hope is that these initiatives will inspire others to contribute to the collective well-being of society. Neerja Devbhumi Charitable Trust stands as a model for effective and compassionate community development, demonstrating that small acts of kindness can lead to significant and lasting positive change. Conclusion: In the sacred city of Rishikesh, the Neerja Devbhumi Charitable Trust is sowing the seeds of education, empowerment, and community development. Through the distribution of books, free education for needy students, and stitching classes for women, the trust is not only transforming individual lives but also creating a ripple effect of positive change that resonates throughout the community. Tuition Teacher :- Mrs. Shikha Pal Stitching Tutor :- Mrs. Anjana

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Food Distribution

In the picturesque town of Rishikesh, the Neerja Devbhumi Trust has become a beacon of hope for the less fortunate through its commendable efforts in food distribution. This charitable organization, founded with a vision to serve the community, has been making a significant impact through its weekly food distribution program at Triveni Ghat. Neerja Devbhumi Trust: The Neerja Devbhumi Trust, named in honor of the late Neerja Bhanot, a symbol of bravery and compassion, has been actively involved in various philanthropic initiatives. With a focus on serving the community and alleviating hunger, the trust has implemented a weekly food distribution program that has garnered widespread appreciation. Weekly Food Distribution at Triveni Ghat: Triveni Ghat, a revered spot on the banks of the sacred Ganges River in Rishikesh, serves as the backdrop for the Neerja Devbhumi Trust’s weekly food distribution program. Every week, the trust distributes approximately 2 lakh meals to those in need, providing nourishment and sustenance to the underprivileged sections of the community. The program operates with the support of dedicated volunteers and generous donors who contribute both funds and resources. The trust’s commitment to ensuring that no one in the community goes hungry has made a positive impact on the lives of countless individuals and families. Community Engagement: The Neerja Devbhumi Trust goes beyond just providing meals; it fosters a sense of community and solidarity. The weekly food distribution program at Triveni Ghat has become a gathering point for the community, where individuals from different walks of life come together to share a moment of compassion and support. Volunteers play a crucial role in the success of the program, actively engaging with the recipients, offering not just food but also a sense of dignity and warmth. This holistic approach to community service sets the Neerja Devbhumi Trust apart as an organization dedicated to uplifting the spirits of those facing adversity. Impact and Future Endeavors: The impact of the Neerja Devbhumi Trust’s food distribution program is tangible and far-reaching. Families struggling with food insecurity have found solace in the weekly meals, and the trust continues to explore avenues to expand its reach and impact. As the trust looks towards the future, there is a commitment to scaling up the program and introducing additional initiatives to address other pressing issues faced by the community. The Neerja Devbhumi Trust remains a shining example of how compassion, coupled with organized efforts, can create a positive ripple effect, transforming the lives of individuals and the community at large. Conclusion: The Neerja Devbhumi Trust’s weekly food distribution program at Triveni Ghat stands as a testament to the power of collective action in addressing societal challenges. By nourishing both the body and spirit, the trust exemplifies the true essence of community service, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of those it serves. Corona Warriors The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about widespread economic challenges, leaving many vulnerable populations struggling to make ends meet. Recognizing the urgent need for assistance, the Neerja Devbhumi Trust has taken proactive steps to provide essential sustenance to those adversely affected by the crisis. Distribution of Ration Kits: The trust’s initiative involves the distribution of over 10 thousand ration kits, each containing a carefully curated selection of essential food items. These kits are designed to meet the nutritional needs of families grappling with economic uncertainties and hardships induced by the pandemic. The ration kits include staples such as rice, wheat flour, pulses, cooking oil, and other essential items, ensuring that recipients have access to a well-rounded and nourishing set of provisions. This comprehensive approach reflects the trust’s commitment to addressing not only immediate hunger but also the broader nutritional needs of the community.

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We distribute

In the spiritual town of Rishikesh, where the sacred Ganges flows with timeless serenity, the Neerja Devbhumi Charitable Trust has emerged as a compassionate force dedicated to alleviating hunger and nourishing lives. Since its establishment, this NGO has been on a commendable mission to distribute food to the needy every week, reaching out to an impressive number of approximately 5000+ individuals in the community. Through its relentless efforts, the Neerja Devbhumi Charitable Trust has become a beacon of hope, sustaining lives and fostering a sense of community. Weekly Food Distribution: A Lifeline for the Needy At the core of Neerja Devbhumi’s humanitarian endeavors is its weekly food distribution program, an initiative that has become a lifeline for many in Rishikesh. Every week, the trust mobilizes resources to provide nutritious meals to those who are struggling with food insecurity. The program is designed not only to address immediate hunger but also to promote the overall well-being of the community. Various Programs, Diverse Impact: The Neerja Devbhumi Charitable Trust goes beyond conventional approaches by organizing various programs that cater to the diverse needs of the community. From organizing community kitchens to collaborating with local businesses and farmers, the trust ensures a steady supply of fresh and wholesome food. Additionally, the trust incorporates nutritional education initiatives to empower recipients to make informed choices about their diet. Impacting Lives: 5000+ People Nourished Since Inception Since the establishment of the Neerja Devbhumi Charitable Trust, over 5000 individuals in Rishikesh have benefited from their food distribution programs. These numbers reflect not just a statistical achievement but a tangible impact on the lives of those who would otherwise go hungry. The trust’s commitment to consistency has created a dependable source of nourishment for the community, instilling a sense of security and belonging. Community Engagement and Volunteerism: Neerja Devbhumi understands the importance of community engagement and the role of volunteers in sustaining its impactful programs. The trust actively involves local residents and volunteers in the food distribution process, fostering a sense of collective responsibility. Through this collaboration, the trust ensures that its efforts are rooted in the community, reflecting the spirit of shared responsibility and compassion. A Symbol of Hope in Rishikesh: In a world often faced with challenges, the Neerja Devbhumi Charitable Trust stands as a symbol of hope and resilience. Beyond the distribution of food, the trust nurtures a sense of community and solidarity, reminding individuals that they are not alone in their struggles. In the heart of Rishikesh, the trust’s weekly food distribution has become a testament to the transformative power of compassion and the ability of a community to uplift its members. Conclusion: The Neerja Devbhumi Charitable Trust’s commitment to distributing food for the needy every week is a testament to the organization’s dedication to building a more compassionate and inclusive society. Through their sustained efforts, the trust not only addresses immediate hunger but also nourishes the spirit of the community. As the trust continues to grow, it remains a beacon of hope in Rishikesh, embodying the belief that collective compassion can create positive and lasting change.

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We donate

In the serene town of Rishikesh, where the Ganges River flows with spiritual serenity, the Neerja Devbhumi Charitable Trust stands tall as a symbol of compassion and benevolence. Since its establishment, this NGO has been on a relentless mission to uplift society by extending a helping hand to the needy, divyangjans (persons with disabilities), and those facing economic hardships. With a focus on health, education, and basic necessities, Neerja Devbhumi Charitable Trust has touched the lives of over 500 beneficiaries, leaving an indelible mark on the community. Health and Well-being: Donating Essential Equipment One of the cornerstones of Neerja Devbhumi’s philanthropic endeavors is its commitment to the health and well-being of the community. The trust has continuously donated health equipment, including wheelchairs and ear machines, to divyangjans who require these aids for enhanced mobility and improved hearing. By providing these essential tools, the trust not only addresses physical needs but also contributes to the overall quality of life for those with disabilities. Education for All: Supporting Needy Students Understanding the transformative power of education, Neerja Devbhumi Charitable Trust extends its support to needy students in the community. The trust donates fees for education, ensuring that financial constraints do not become a barrier to learning. By supporting education, the trust empowers individuals to break the cycle of poverty, fostering a brighter future for the next generation. Clothing the Needy: A Warm Gesture Recognizing the importance of basic necessities, Neerja Devbhumi Charitable Trust actively engages in clothing donation drives. The trust collects and distributes clothing to those in need, especially during harsh weather conditions. This simple yet impactful gesture not only provides warmth and protection but also instills a sense of dignity and belonging within the community. Impact and Reach: Over 500 Beneficiaries Touched The tireless efforts of Neerja Devbhumi Charitable Trust have resulted in positive impacts on the lives of over 500 beneficiaries in Rishikesh. From individuals with disabilities who now have increased mobility to students who can pursue education without financial burdens, the trust’s initiatives have created a ripple effect of positive change within the community. Community Partnerships and Collaboration: Neerja Devbhumi Charitable Trust understands that creating meaningful change requires collaboration and community involvement. The trust actively partners with local businesses, healthcare providers, and educational institutions to maximize its impact. By working hand-in-hand with the community, Neerja Devbhumi ensures that its efforts are sustainable and tailored to the specific needs of the people it serves. Conclusion: In the heart of Rishikesh, the Neerja Devbhumi Charitable Trust stands as a beacon of compassion, illuminating the path to a more inclusive and caring society. Through their continuous donations for society, divyangjans, and needy individuals, the trust exemplifies the transformative power of philanthropy. As they continue their noble mission, Neerja Devbhumi Charitable Trust remains a source of hope and support, embodying the spirit of compassion that can inspire positive change in the world.

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